草枕 6

静かな春の日に、ぽつねんと机に向かって絵の構想を練るが、描けない。考えれば考えるほどイメージが湧かないのは、芸術家の苦しみか?この章は原文も英訳も読むのに骨が折れる(^^ゞ 「キ印」の那美さんが夢遊病みたいに廊下を往来するところは、ハラハラするな〜。

  • 絵を描かずに詩を書いた

The months of spring are short as fleeting youth,
Yet sadness like the stems of fragrant plants is long.
Petals fall silently to earth in an empty garden,
And in the deserted hall a simple harp lies silent.

Seated alone in silence undisturbed,
Within my heart a shaded light I see.
How futile the activity of man.
Oh, can I e'er forget this state
Where for one day tranquillity I find
And see how busy were the aged past for me?
Where can I lay this yearning soul to rest?
Far, far away among the milk-white clouds.