草枕 12


  • 愚かにして悟った木瓜になりたいものだ

When you consider, the quince is the most foolish yet philosophical of all plants. There are people who are absolutely unconcerned with their inability to make any headway in the world, and make no effort to improve themselves. I am sure that they, in some future life, will be reborn as quince trees. I would very much like to be a quince myself.

  • 漢詩そのまんま(旧字がわんさか)

My head was clammed with thoughts when I left home,
With spring's sweet breath playing around my skirts.

The rutted path is overgrown with fragrance,
And passes neglected into hazed obscurity.

Leaning upon my staff, I view each detail
Of bright Nature in her shining mantle.

A crystal cascade of nightingale's notes falls on the ear,
While air is filled with sweetest floral rain.

Beyond a wide and desolate plain I reach
An ancient temple, on whose door a poem I inscribe.

In uncompanioned loneliness I look towards the clouds
Where one wild goose, unskeined, wings homeward 'cross the sky.

How deep, how recondite this seeming petty heart,
In whose recesses right and wrong lie dimmed by distance.

Although yet thirty, my thoughts are those of age,
But Spring retains her former glory

Wandering here and there I am as one with everything in turn,
And 'midst the perfumed blossoms, peace is mine.