草枕 1

むむ〜〜。昔読んだのをなんとな〜く思い出しながらなら、読めるかな?具体的な山歩きの行程はまだ何とかわかるけど、抽象的な思考を理解するのがなかなか…(>_<) あとで「原書」を紐解いたら、これも文語調で読みにくい。旧漢字にルビが付いてるのが救い。初読は中学時代だけど、よく頑張ったものだと、我ながら感心したりして(^0^)/

  • 例の「智に働けば角が立つ…」の英訳

Approach everything rationally, and you become harsh. Pole along in the stream of emotions, and you will be swept away by the current. Give free rein to your desires, and you become uncomfortably confined. It is not a very agreeable place to live, this world of ours.

  • 英訳の方がわかる〜ってのもある(^^)

Beneath the Eastern hedge I choose a chrysanthemum,
And my gaze wanders slowly to the Southern hills.
菊を採る 東籬の下、悠然として 南山を見る

  • 非人情がちと強過ぎた

I felt that I had been carried rather too far in the direction of detachment from humanity!